Sunday, February 2, 2014

Following the Spirit

Lamentations 3: 22-23
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassion's never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

I love to write things that move people. Something comes together in my head from an experience I just had, usually something God has used to teach me something and I can't wait to put it into words to share. I feel the same way about photography. I love to capture images to share that are beautiful and usually, God inspired if not God made! So a very good friend and sister in Christ, JoAnne, suggested I start a blog to combine my two passions. I have an adoption blog but this blog is to share photos and hopefully, some encouragement.  I loved this idea!

We are not on our journeys alone, although, we each have our own journey to travel. My hope is that God will use this to inspire us both.  So, here is my first photo of a barn I see every day on my way to work. It's beautiful. Some days more beautiful than other days. I stopped this day because of the amazing sunrise. It reminded me of God's compassion being new every morning. Wow. What an amazing gift.  His Glory shines into our lives every day. Our days may look the same, some days more beautiful than others...but they all come from him. I'm so grateful for new beginnings each day and a God that doesn't just give me the same ol day, day after day, but some pretty amazing days as well. Even if the sunrise is the only good part of my day, I'm blessed.

Thank you Lord for loving me so much. Thank you for new mornings, new blessings and new beauty every day. Thank you for painting the sky with colors that take my breathe away. You could have just made the sun come up with no introduction, but you didn't, you made it so very special and I take those days very personal, as if it were just for me. So thank you.  I pray to never take it for granted but to always be grateful for the even the smallest, yet biggest blessing of a sunrise each day....your amazing Lord. I love you... In Jesus name, amen...

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